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Our Rabbinic/Educational Team


Senior Rav: Dayan Eliezer Zobin
Rabbi Eliezer Zobin is the Rav of Ner Yisrael, London, one of the most thriving modern orthodox communities in the UK. The shul has daily shiurim, Daf HaYomi, and an evening Beit HaMedrash program for university strudents, and a wide range of other educational and social programming. It also offers a variety of different minyanim every Shabbat, including Hashkama, a Student Minyan, a Youth Minyan, and Children and Toddler's Programmes.
Rabbi Zobin grew up in Golders Green, London. After graduating high school, he learned at Yeshivot in Israel, including studying at Yeshivat Be'er Yaakov, and under Rav Yitzchok Soloveichik.
He graduated with an MA in Jewish Education from the University of London.
As well as being Principal of Immanuel College, he is a Posek for the Federation of Synagogues' ShailaText, Principal of the Independent Jewish Day School, Rabbinic Patron of The British Association of Orthodox Jewish Mental Health Professionals, Rabbinic Patron of Chana - the fertility charity - and Rabbinic Leader of the Sinai Youth Movement. He is also a Maggid Shiur at "The Hendon Beis".
Rabbi Zobin has served as Rosh Beit HaMedrash at LSJS, as well as having taught on the Montefiore College Semicha programme. He lectures widely in the community, including at United Synagogues, JLE, SEED, and for J-TV. 
Please be in touch with Rabbi Zobin on: T- 07929630813 or E-
Senior Rebbetzin: Rebbetzin Aviva Zobin
Rebbetzin Aviva Zobin grew up in Golders Green, within the Munks community and Hasmonean High School. Following a year of intensive Jewish learning in BJJ seminary in Jerusalem, she continued her studies in Israel, earning a degree in Humanities as well as continuing her Jewish learning.
Whilst living in Israel, after marriage and Aliyah in February 1999, Rebbetzin Zobin trained and worked first in optics, and then as a technical writer and editor, including several years in the production of degree level examinations for an educational resource company. She is also a graduate of Kol Sarah, the Suzy Bradfield program for Rebbetzins. Whilst her primary focus is on raising her four children, she has mentored and taught individual women in her home for a number of years. More recently Rebbetzin Zobin has been working alongside Rabbi Zobin in communal activities, including kallah teaching, and pastoral care. She is the Rebbetzin of the largest modern orthodox community in the UK.
Please contact Rebbetzin Zobin at: T- 07907847861 or E-
Educator: Rabbi Michael Pollak
Rabbi Michael Pollak is a founding member of Ner Yisrael and a Trustee. He is an educational consultant for PaJeS and the UJIA Jewish Life Education Center. He is a graduate of Chevron Yeshiva in Jerusalem, and studied philosophy at LSE. He has held a series of high profile communal positions and is a seasoned Talmud Daf Yomi teacher.
Youth Directors
Yoni and Olivia Wieder
Malki Luftig
E-  T- 07510 756 540
Emeritus Rav: Rabbi Alan Kimche
Rabbi Alan Kimche has been a Rav and senior lecturer for over thirty years. In his yeshiva years in Yerushalayim, he learnt under the guidance of HaGaon R' Shlomo Zalman Auerbach zt”l, HaGaon R' Chaim Shmulevitz zt”l and with Rav Yehoshua Neuwirth zt’’l. After receiving his Semicha, he moved to London and became the Rav of a new shul, Ner Yisrael.
Rabbi Kimche has also studied at university, and combines this knowledge with his extensive yeshiva and halachic training. This has given him a special quality of intellectual Torah understanding. He completed his PhD from London University with a doctoral thesis entitled: “Kavod Habriyot: Human Dignity in Talmudic Law”. He gives regular shiurim on a wide range of topics, specialising in Jewish philosophy and halacha, and he is a regular speaker at rabbinical conferences and a wide range of educational programmes. Rabbi Kimche also teaches and counsels many people on an individual basis, and is a sought-after posek.
Emeritus Rebbetzin: Rebbetzin Via Kimche
Rebbetzin Via Kimche, originally from Amsterdam, has been an educator and counsellor for the last thirty years. After learning in both Beis Yaakov and Michlalah seminaries, she moved to London with Rabbi Kimche and dedicated herself to building the community. Rebbetzin Kimche is a childbirth educator, a kallah teacher, and is also a parenting expert. She is currently teaching across London in high schools, shuls and in her own home as well as running a voluntary organisation to help women through childbirth.
With her degree in psychology and education she has counselled hundreds of women and is a sought after international speaker on women in Judaism.
Sat, 27 July 2024 21 Tammuz 5784