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Parsha sheets 5779 (2018/19)

Parsha sheet (download)
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Miriam Michaels
Emanuel Meyer
Michelle Stern
Darren Lauber
Charles Pascoe
Geoffrey Hollander
David Levy
Laura Katz
David Brotzen
Marc Cohen
Stuart Rosen
David Prins
Matthew Pearlman
Alain Bornstein
Charles Pascoe
Rachel Leah Lovat
Talia Reich
John Samson
Rochelle Lax
Bernard Freudenthal
Ruth Michaels
Bernard Freudenthal
Leonard Ormonde
Zachary Citron
Joe Bloomberg
Boruch Michaels
Simon Levy
Dina Michaels
Debbie Meyer
Leonard Ormonde
Michelle Stern
Aron Lovat
Bernard Freudenthal
Dina Michaels
Ruth Milofsky
Andrew Berman
Stuart Rosen
Matthew Pearlman
Laura Katz
Marc Cohen
Debbie Meyer
Neil Ferber
Darren Lauber
Simon Levy
Julie Cohn
Joe Bloomberg
Dina Michaels
Benjy Fruhman
David Prins
Oliver Sanders
Ruth Michaels
Alon Freilich
Alain Bornstein
Geoffrey Hollander
John Samson
Boruch Michaels
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Wed, 11 September 2024 8 Elul 5784