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Project AMeN

At this time, when we are currently unable to come together physically as a Kehilla in shul, we would like to invite the whole community to join in a communal learning programme, which will bring us together in a shared Torah endeavour.
Over the next 2 months, as a community, we would like to jointly complete 'Nach' and 'Shas Mishnayot'.
This is particularly appropriate now as we start to count the Omer and prepare for Shavuot, the time of the Giving of the Torah.
We look forward to the time when we are able to return to shul, and together celebrate a communal siyum in honour of our shared Torah achievement...
We have created an online sign-up sheet where you can sign up to take part in this learning:
After you have signed up please email with contact details so that we can follow up with you on advance of the siyum.
Generally we have divided books of Nach and Masechtot of Mishnayot into blocks of 10 perakim (chapters) but there are also shorter 'chunks' available to sign up for, where a masechta or book of Nach is shorter than 10 perakim, or for the final perakim of a book/masechet.
There is a separate tab in this online sheet to sign up for Nach and Mishna.
We have also included two tabs of resources with links to free websites where you may find translations, summaries, or shiurim to help your learning, as well as details of some paid resources which may also be of use.
If you would like to take part in this, but think that you would benefit from a phone chavruta or phone tutor, please email to let us know, and we will try to make arrangements.
Similarly if you are happy to volunteer as a phone chavruta or tutor, please email the above address.
Please do take a look and sign up for something, putting your name and contact details (if you are happy for these to be visible) into these columns of the sign up form and marking the 'complete' column once you have learned the material.
We thank Aron Lovat for compiling the document and resources, and leading on this initiative.
"Amen" is the one word that encapsulates that which we believe and hold tight to. 
Please join Project AMeN, so that together, in Achdut, we complete Mishna and Nach, in preparation for our return, as a community, to our beloved Shul.
Best wishes,
Rabbi & Rebbetzen Zobin

Learning Resources

Mishna Learning Free Resources
• Sefaria Mishna
Sefaria appear to have a full translation of Shas Mishnayot (without having comprehensively checked each Mishna).
• Mishnayot Kehati
An app is available from the Apple and Android store with the Hebrew and English translations of the Mishna and the monumental commentary of Kehati. This is an in depth commentary on the Mishna, not merely explanatory.
• Phillip Blackman Translation with Explanatory Notes
If you goes to this site and search for the author ‘Phillip Blackman’, you will find downloadable PDFs of his translation of each Seder of Mishnayot, along with explanatory footnotes.
This website contains free shiurim by Roi Schiff; each shiur covers 4 Mishnayot, and shiurim are available for Zera'im, Mo'ed, Nashim, Nezikin, and part of Kodshim.
On many of these masechtot, notes are available which both explain and summarise the key contents of the Mishnayot, as well as explanations of key concepts and terms.
• A Project of Yeshiva University
This site has over 200,000 shiurim available to download across all areas of Torah study, including Mishnayot. Highly recommended to take a look at the breadth of shiurim, even if not for Mishnayot!
• Artscroll Free Mishna Digital Volume
At the time of writing, given the current circumstances, Artscroll are offering a free download of any Gemara or Mishna volume of one's choice - within the Artscroll Android/Apple app.
The free Mishna volume is from The Schottenstein Mishnah Elucidated set, which has phrase-by-phrase translation and explanation of Mishnayot with more detailed footnotes, in a manner similar to the Artscroll Gemara sets.
Link to instructions on how to download:
Artscroll also have a 30 day free trial of complete access to the entire Artscroll Digital Library, which could be useful if you are learning more than one masechet.
Link to instructions on how to sign up:
Mishna Learning Paid Resources
 Artscroll have two translations of Mishnayot:
This is also available in e-book form for Android/Apple devices from Artscroll's website
2. Artscroll also have the Yad Avraham Mishnayot, which has the English translation of the Mishnayot as well as a very in depth commentary.
This is available from online booksellers such as Lehmanns.
There is also an English translation of the monumental commentary of Kehati on Mishnayot. Once again, this is an in depth commentary on the Mishna, not merely explanatory. This is available from online booksellers such as Lehmanns.
Tanach Learning Free Resources
Side by side Hebrew and English translations of Tanach can be found at:
The OU’s Nach Yomi programme website has shiurim on each perek of the whole of Nevi'im and Ketuvim, as well as written synopses for each perek.
• This site has developed out of the Daily Nach programme set up in Hasmonean over a decade ago. It contains shiurim, perek summaries, and Divrei Torah for the books of Nevi'im.
project of Yeshiva University, this site has over 200,000 shiurim available to download across all areas of Torah study. Highly recommended to take a look at the breadth of shiurim, even if not for Nach!
Tanach Learning Paid Resources
Artscroll and Koren, amongst others, have produced translations of Tanach which are available from online Jewish booksellers such as Lehmanns, or ordered locally via Torah Treasures.
• Artscroll’s Tanach with English translation and explanatory footnotes can be purchased for Apple and Android for $9.99
"Journey through Nach" is a 2 volume set by Rabbi Daniel Fine and Chaim Golker, with introductions to each sefer in Tanach, summaries of perakim as well as associated Divrei Torah, and 19 in-depth essays.
This is available from online Jewish booksellers such as Lehmanns, or ordered locally via Torah Treasures.
Wed, 23 October 2024 21 Tishrei 5785